
News of outreach, presentations, and developments around Second Chance.

An opportunity for children and young people through education and development

15. March 2024
An opportunity for children and young people through education and development

Education is seen as a fundamental right and a springboard for the future. Second Chance is at the forefront of providing this opportunity to children and young people growing up in less privileged …

Second Chance team help the city council plant trees

10. January 2024
Second Chance team help the city council plant trees

In the growing city of Dodoma, the heart of Tanzania, the collaboration between Second Chance and the city administration is developing. The aim of this joint project was to make a positive …

Involve children in meaningful renovation work: The Second Chance Approach

30. August 2023
Involve children in meaningful renovation work: The Second Chance Approach

Amid the myriad challenges societies face, examples of impactful humanitarian efforts remind us of the potential for positive change. By involving children in the renovation of their shelter, we not …

The Outreach Project: How we help children get off the streets

31. May 2023
The Outreach Project: How we help children get off the streets

We are happy to report that our outreach programme has started successfully and has already received positive feedback. The work we are doing is of enormous importance as it allows us to help get …

Beds for children in need

10. May 2023
Beds for children in need

The Second Chance House is a place of hope for children from the street. These children often have no family and live in a world full of uncertainty and danger. The Second Chance House offers these …

We are setting up the shelter house!

7. March 2023
We are setting up the shelter house!

Dear friends and supporters, the time has come: We are very grateful that we have found a house for rent to be able to offer accommodation to children who are in need of protection. Of course, for …

School supplies for our children

7. March 2023
School supplies for our children

In many countries around the world, children do not have the same access to educational opportunities as in Germany and the USA. One of the reasons for this is a lack of school supplies, such as …

With Pagagi through Dodoma

24. February 2023
With Pagagi through Dodoma

We are happy, because we are now finally independently mobile: With the Pagagi (in other countries also known as Tuk-Tuk) we drive recently through the streets of Dodoma to do our errands, to go to …

From hardship into captivity

16. January 2023
From hardship into captivity

Today we would like to tell you a story that touched us deeply and that moved us to do something. It is about a family plagued by poverty and abandonment. The father has abandoned the family and the …

Visiting the Royal Rangers in Germany

22. December 2022
Visiting the Royal Rangers in Germany

Finally, the time has come: After some back and forth to get the visa for the visit to Germany, we have made it and have now arrived in Germany. For about one month we have the opportunity to present …