Hope, perspective and a second chance

The problem
While financially strong and well-connected actors worldwide have the best prerequisites for a self-determined life and a change to self-determination, it is usually poor and socially marginalized people who face crises with the greatest challenges in terms of everyday needs, education and self-determination. In addition, there are developments that additionally challenge children and young people from difficult circumstances in particular and restrict them in their development. The rapidly growing consumption of simple intoxicants to systematically spread drugs, especially in urban environments, has increased in recent years in the environment of children and adolescents between the ages of 5 - 18. The exposure of vulnerable people on the streets of cities and the neglect of children and adolescents by guardians has contributed to the fact that drugs are an increasingly relevant problem for individuals but also for society as a whole.
The perspective
What if we as a society were to offer these children and young people worthwhile and meaningful alternatives instead of a flight into intoxication? What if disorientation and everyday worries were replaced by perspective, hope and security? What if we offered the next generation real alternatives such as schooling, a home and a self-determined life instead of leaving them to their own devices?
The solution
Second Chance is the first and only institution in Tanzania that aims to provide systematic and professional help to children and young people who are exposed to the destructive influences of an unprotected life on the streets of the cities in order to counter drug addiction, homelessness and abandonment. Second Chance sees itself as a Christian NGO, our staff and supporters are motivated by values such as charity, self-sacrifice and the desire for renewal. Together we can make a difference in the lives of children and youth, together we can shape the future.
In order to get children and young people out of existing dependencies of drug use, lack of perspective and poverty, Second Chance employees are out and about where these same children and young people can be found. In direct conversation, short-term and immediate solutions are offered and the acute need for necessities is served. With medically and socio-educationally accompanied exit and rehabilitation measures, the possibility of liberation from drug addiction and dependence is offered. With perspective-based approaches such as the provision of emergency accommodation and the placement of permanent accommodation, long-term perspectives are opened up in parallel with school and vocational training measures. With these measures, Second Chance creates new hope, ways out and space for self-determined life for the children and young people.
Our team on site

Andrea Hellemann

John Charles Ndahani

Burton Peter Elieza

Casto Casian

Marian Adam
Our board

Dieter Trefz

Emmanuel Musa Mwankosole

John Charles Ndahani

Christian Ziegler

Samuel Janzen
Our accommodation
Second Chance currently operates an office and a house with emergency shelter for acute short-term cases. The central location of the Second Chance facility offers the possibility to react citywide in Dodoma with short journeys. From street outreach in hotspot neighborhoods, to speaking engagements in schools and social service agencies, to visits to government offices, Second Chance is centrally located in Dodoma and advantageously integrated into the city's infrastructure.
In the near future, in addition to the Second Chance Center, other facilities are to be established to enable the rehabilitation and reintegration of children and young people. The necessary geographical conditions and development possibilities are being examined. Funds are already being collected to strategically advance the construction of the Second Chance Campus.