Your help makes the difference!

Together we can make a difference: You are cordially invited to be a part of it. With your support we can give even more children and young people a perspective and a good future. Our team will continue to make a difference on the streets of Dodoma. How can you support our work?

Help a child to a new start

With your donation you make a difference in the life of a child in need. Donate now and help with your money in a practical and sustainable way.

Your donationPerpetual

Your desired amount
Become part of the Second Chance helper community
  • Support regularly
  • Promote sustainability
  • Receive donation receipt
  • Regular project updates and supporter letters
Donate regularly →

Your donationOne time donation

5 - 5000 €
Become part of the Second Chance helper community
  • Support once
  • Do good
  • Receive donation receipt
  • Annual project updates
Donate now →

With a one-time donation you enable the Second-Chance team to do its work on site and reach even more children and young people. With a sponsorship you take over the regular support of a child or a project on site. This way you make a big difference in the streets of Dodoma with your donation. The donation will be used for the common good of all children in the program.

Become a Second Chance embassador

Tell others and make potential supporters aware of our work in Tanzania. Stand up for Second Chance and become a Second Chance ambassador in your home country. Contact us now, we will gladly provide you with the necessary material to represent Second Chance in associations, friends, churches and companies.

Visit us and lend a hand

Be a helper: You have a few weeks to spare and would like to do a short-term assignment and lend a hand? We can use your help, please contact us and we will talk about the possibilities. Longer assignments (FSJ or similar formats) are also possible. We are looking forward to hearing from you to introduce you to the possibilities of your collaboration.