Wir gehen dort hin, wo Hilfe am Nötigsten ist

Lonely escape into addiction
On the city streets, children between the ages of 4 and 17 are left to fend for themselves: The few social institutions that care for and house the children are usually working at the limits of their capacity. There is no state aid or structural reception measures for socially neglected, needy and drug-addicted children.
Due to the given circumstances and the hopeless perspective, more and more children seek relief from their inhumane conditions through drug use. The resulting addiction makes the way to a normal life almost impossible. Many of the children die early on the streets of Tanzania: homeless, neglected, unwanted.

You want to help?
We can make good use of your help: With your support, you make it possible for children and youth in Tanzania to have hope, for those in need to be helped, and for the Second Chance team to continue. There are different ways to support, inform yourself now about the possibilities.

Together we find a way
Our outreach team has made it their mission to search the streets of Dodoma for children and young people who are in need and on their own, and to offer them help. Often it is the basic needs that most people take for granted, such as shelter, food and personal hygiene, which make a difference to the children and young people. Through our outreach team's offerings, we help them practically to show them that there are alternatives to addiction and neglect. What starts as an externally initiated impulse aims to show the children a way to recognize addiction and its consequences and to take active steps out of addiction.
This journey begins with small steps like a warm meal, a clean t-shirt, or an invitation. The journey out of a hopeless situation for the young person must be accepted by the person themselves to lead to lasting change. Our outreach team opens the door for this and invites those in need to embark on the journey to physical, psychological and spiritual freedom and gain change, liberation and perspective.